Skilled & Trained Staff

Our Guards on training parade
Our Guards on Fire Emergency Training
Skilled & Trained Staff
Eagle Grip for Security and Services has qualified team of skilled Guards working under the close supervision of experienced and competent Supervisors. We understand the importance of training & motivation of our employees at all levels. We always ensure safe working environment for all our employees & their surroundings with regular health & safety meetings. The company carries insurance in respect of third party, workmen’s compensation. We have 1500 security guards.
Presentable & Uniformed Staff
Eagle Grip for Security and Services staff is always in a presentable state of dress during working hours which not only ensures proper identification but also compliments our Clients premises. All our staff also wears clearly visible identification badges at all times whilst on the premises and sign in and sign out upon commencement & completion of work.
Easy communication channels
Our field supervision team having meeting on field operational issues, covering quality of services and areas of improvement for efficient service delivery.
We have setup numerous channels of communication to facilitate our Clients for easy access to our staff and management either to report an emergency, forward feedback of our services or any other advices and suggestions. We always look for valued suggestions from our Customers. We strongly believe that these suggestions & feedbacks always help us in improving our services.